Washington - офисные помещения (класса А) (предложений 3)

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1001 Pennsylvania Avenue


общая офисная площадь : 70200.00 m2
минимальный модуль : 150.00 m2

1001 Pennsylvania Avenue is a 14-story, Class A office building located on Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and the White House. The limestone facade steps back on several levels, creating rooftop terraces with different...
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1200 Nineteenth Street


общая офисная площадь : 31000.00 m2
минимальный модуль : 150.00 m2

1200 Nineteenth is a 334,175-square-foot, 11-story Class A office building located on the corner of 19th and M streets, NW in Washington, D.C.'s central business district. The building was acquired by the Hines U.S. Core Office...
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17600 Gillette


общая офисная площадь : 31500.00 m2
минимальный модуль : 150.00 m2

1900 K Street was purchased by Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America in December 2004 and is managed by Hines. Completed in 1996, the 13-story office building is located in Washington's vibrant central business...
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