1111 Louisiana RenovationHouston

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Całkowita powierzchnia biurowa : 132500.00m2
Minimalny moduł : 150.00 m2
As redevelopment manager, Hines oversaw the renovation of the 20-year-old, 47-story, 1.4-million-square-foot 1111 Louisiana tower. The renovation was completed in 1996 and included significant architectural changes to the building's interior and exterior (including a new plaza, lobby and stylized top of the building, as well as painting the exterior); upgrade of the building mechanical systems and a new central plant with thermal storage capability; new lighting; new life safety systems; ADA modifications; asbestos abatement; a structural upgrade to correct a serious structural defect; and construction of 36 tower floors, with a data center, fitness center and auditorium.
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